«Pace has a current respected series, two former respected series, a cult cinema classic, a Marvel movie, Twilight, The Hobbit, romantic comedy experience, Emmy and Golden Globe acknowledgment, a Best Picture nominee, and Marmaduke, to keep him humble. He can play cute (Pushing Daisies), he can play villains (Guardians of the Galaxy), he can play anti-heroes (The Hobbit), he can give lengthy monologues in Steven Spielberg’s movies (Lincoln), he can act alongside comically large CGI dogs (Marmaduke), and he’s even an acclaimed theater actor, having been in The Normal Heart.

That’s an impressive, under-the-radar showcase for someone who you wouldn’t think of as a traditional “star.” Pace probably deserves to be bigger, but something tells me he’s fine just being the biggest guy in the room.»

Lee Pace Quietly Has One Of The Most Impressive Careers In Hollywood