стенка на стенку, что ли?
аааааааааааааааааааааааа, жжжжесть, если так и будет

для тех, кто, возможно, не понимает, в чем дело:
Anne Rice Developing 'Vampire Chronicles' TV Series
She and son Christopher Rice, who will serve as executive producer of the planned series, will be developing a pilot sсript and detailed outline for an open-ended project "faithfully presenting Lestat’s story as it is told in the books." She said they will likely begin with The Vampire Lestat, the second book of the series.

The author continued to the fans: "Over the years you all have told me how much you want to see a Game of Thrones style faithful rendering of this material, and how much you want for the series to remain in my control. Well, I have heard you. I have always heard you. What you want is what I want."

блять я просто не могу молчать и ради этого включила даже комп чтобы проораться
пизда рулю

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