Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)
Ричард не был бы Ричардом, если бы не снялся в таком. Полное описание с IMDb:
Based on Edith Wharton's romantic novella, Summer is a heart-breaking, sexy, coming-of-age tale anchored by an unforgettable heroine: Charity Royall. Despite having been rescued as a child from a life of degradation and poverty by her guardian, Lawyer Royall, Charity dreams of escaping North Dormer, the sleepy, stifling New England town in which she's been raised, where the denizens never let her forget that she's beneath them. Attempting to push away the complicated feelings she's developed toward her guardian, Charity falls head-long into a passionate affair with a handsome, sophisticated stranger.
Based on Edith Wharton's romantic novella, Summer is a heart-breaking, sexy, coming-of-age tale anchored by an unforgettable heroine: Charity Royall. Despite having been rescued as a child from a life of degradation and poverty by her guardian, Lawyer Royall, Charity dreams of escaping North Dormer, the sleepy, stifling New England town in which she's been raised, where the denizens never let her forget that she's beneath them. Attempting to push away the complicated feelings she's developed toward her guardian, Charity falls head-long into a passionate affair with a handsome, sophisticated stranger.
16.03.2015 в 20:30
Пишет Paceaniac:Так. Одного на лето уже трудоустроили.

Richard Armitage has a new project and it’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a Richard Armitage project:
- It’s a romance!
- Richard plays someone complex and complicated.
- It’s a period piece (early 20th century) (с)
URL записи
Richard Armitage has a new project and it’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a Richard Armitage project:
- It’s a romance!
- Richard plays someone complex and complicated.
- It’s a period piece (early 20th century) (с)
16.03.2015 в 22:02
16.03.2015 в 22:08
Мою воплотит Риба Маклейн, внизапна
16.03.2015 в 22:12
16.03.2015 в 22:19