Elnelle Страницы дневника Доктора Сонг

суббота, 25 апреля 2015

Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)

13:50 О, больше спойлеров для королевы спойлеров!
The rumours are true – we're dropping the cuisine-based episode titles for the second half of season three.

Episodes eight through thirteen will all be named after William Blake's series of Great Red Dragon Paintings, depicting scenes from the biblical Book of Revelation. Clued-up Fannibals will know that in the Harris canon, serial killer Francis Dolarhyde is obsessed with this series of paintings, which give his murderous alternate personality its name.

And we've got specifics. Episode eight is 'The Great Red Dragon...', episode nine is '...And the Woman Clothed in Sun', episode ten is '...And the Woman Clothed with the Sun', and episode eleven is '...And the Beast from the Sea'.

Fuller didn't name episodes twelve and thirteen, but going by this pattern we're guessing that twelve and thirteen will be named 'And the Number of the Beast Is...' and '...666' respectively.

Richard Armitage's Dolarhyde will be treated more like a third lead character than a supporting player in the season's second chapter.

"He is in the show almost as much as Hugh and Mads are in the second half of the season," Fuller revealed. "So we really spend a lot of time with Dolarhyde, in a way that neither of the movies have had the real estate to."

Dolarhyde's story will be a true tragedy, developed with more painful psychological depth than season two's gleefully sadistic Mason Verger.

"A lot of what we see with Dolarhyde is just him alone in a room struggling with his insanity. I wanted the audience to be so confused with this character because we get to know him, and we get to see this man who is suffering, from his mind eating him alive from the inside out."

и на десерт!

Hannibal and Will's reunion will be bittersweet, emphasis unexpectedly on sweet.

"There's a scene that is so touching, when they're finally reunited and able to have a conversation. Mads and Hugh and their friendship are such amazing assets to the show, and you see all of that. It's like 'It's really good to see you, but this is a terrible situation that we're in, and you're actually a terrible person, but I've found a way to forgive you in the way you forgive a shark for being a shark'."

Check back next week for our full Q&A with Fuller, where he delves further into Will's forgiveness of Hannibal, Dolarhyde's relationship with Reba McClane (Rutina Wesley), the future of Abigail Hobbs and much more.

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25.04.2015 в 14:15

25.04.2015 в 14:15
Dolarhyde's story will be a true tragedy, developed with more painful psychological depth than season two's gleefully sadistic Mason Verger.
Кто бы сомневался)))

25.04.2015 в 14:18

25.04.2015 в 14:18
Vassa07, не, сделай вид, что сомневалась и картинно упади от чувств в обморок! :goodgirl:

25.04.2015 в 14:22

25.04.2015 в 14:22
придецца смотреть эти серии.

25.04.2015 в 15:59

25.04.2015 в 15:59
Какое простите будущее Абигейл? Она опять что ли выжила???
Я надеюсь, это они про то что она будет призраком лазить за Уиллом, а то это уже какой-то анекдот про говорящую лошадь.

25.04.2015 в 19:40

25.04.2015 в 19:40
~Хару-Ичиго~, я тоже прочла, поржала и решила, что эт уже пЭребор
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