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Hannibal season 3: Richard Armitage on becoming Francis Dolarhyde
Hannibal season 3: Richard Armitage on becoming Francis Dolarhyde
Если для Ричарда роль Долархайда не хоррорная, о я боюсь думать, что есть для него хоррор-роль?!
I wasn't familiar with the show, and even before I'd read the sсript I was already saying yes because it was Bryan Fuller," Armitage told Digital Spy. "I just wanted to work with him".
Бггг, даааа, дааа, Ричард, Ли же ж уши прожужжал "Иди!", да "Иди!"
И Ричард, наконец, выразил прекрасно словами - за что я люблю Ганнибала. И понял все слешерские намеки.
I wasn't familiar with the show, and even before I'd read the sсript I was already saying yes because it was Bryan Fuller," Armitage told Digital Spy. "I just wanted to work with him".
Бггг, даааа, дааа, Ричард, Ли же ж уши прожужжал "Иди!", да "Иди!"

И Ричард, наконец, выразил прекрасно словами - за что я люблю Ганнибала. И понял все слешерские намеки.
"To me it sort of sits in a very interesting place, it's the horror genre but there's something beautifully decadent and gothic about the way that it's shot, and the performances are extraordinary. Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy and Laurence Fishburne just give it this elevation, so I knew that the bar was high when I went in there."

Мадс, Хью и Лоуренс 

оу йес

27.04.2015 в 18:22