Elnelle Страницы дневника Доктора Сонг

суббота, 20 июня 2015

Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)

Я тут только что нашла фуллеровское интервью, относительно новое, и немножко подгораю, так это, местами...

Plenty has been written speculating about sexual tension between Will and Hannibal. Given everything we’ve seen, is there more than friendship there, for one or both?
Absolutely. They are having a romance. It is not necessarily a sexualized romance. One of the reasons I wanted to do this series as a gay man is I’m fascinated with the nature of straight male friendships, and the lengths that brotherhood will take those involved. So I wanted to explore how far we go when we are loyal, and oftentimes sexuality can complicate, arbitrarily, the nature of relationships. Hannibal Lector, in our version of the story, really is the devil, and what we’re telling is a parable of the devil falling for a beautiful example of humanity. That doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to f–k him, but it does mean that he holds Will in very high regard, just in terms of his fascination with what it is to be human. And Will is a strange example of the humanity in all of its warts.

The final arc of the season is Red Dragon, which has been adapted in two films previously. How do you make that story feel fresh for viewers?
It’s really about triangulating the relationship through the prism of everything that we’ve established in the previous two-and-a-half seasons of the show. What gives the Red Dragon story a freshness is the [combination] of Hannibal and Will and Francis Dolarhyde, and how Francis Dolarhyde represents something completely different to both Hannibal and Will. It’s the triangulation of that relationship between those three men that brings a different sense of the story to this season, and allows us to tell a deeper relationship between Francis Dolarhyde and Hannibal Lector:buh:.

пипеееееец...где мое винишко?

@темы: Ганнибалим

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Зачем нужны друзья? .... Они порой делают слишком больно....
[*]Однако, какие игрушки люди делают!
сегодня получила маленькое послание с Кипра, видимо напис...
А пока перебираюсь по многим причинам жить к веселому кор...
Я вот не угадал :)

20.06.2015 в 23:18

20.06.2015 в 23:18
я верю в тебя, святой Фу)

20.06.2015 в 23:19

20.06.2015 в 23:19
Эртебиз, не знаю, плакать мне или смеяться....
вот этот смайлик :alles: - это я сейчас

21.06.2015 в 00:08

21.06.2015 в 00:08

21.06.2015 в 00:21

21.06.2015 в 00:21
Йорингель, все плохо или все очень хорошо?

21.06.2015 в 00:26

21.06.2015 в 00:26
Elnelle, я не знаю...
я еще сегодняшнюю серию про скуренную беделию не посмотрел...
я не знаю...
ничего не знабююю
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