Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)
I met Manu Bennett today and our entire chat somehow turned into a discussion about Richard Armitage’s awesomeness. And he asked me to recommend more of Richard’s work for him to watch. I told him and North & South was a must. He’d never heard of it so then I had to explain the plot.
Now I just need to meet Richard Armitage to chat about how great Manu Bennett is and the circle will be complete.
Серъезн, кто там ОТПшил Азога с Торином?

It`s yours time to shiiiine!
Now I just need to meet Richard Armitage to chat about how great Manu Bennett is and the circle will be complete.
Серъезн, кто там ОТПшил Азога с Торином?

22.06.2015 в 05:04
А кто это у нас такой распространитель Ричарда в массы? А то тут не указано.
23.06.2015 в 21:47
Ну я. А шо?
Ману лапочка