Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)
тут лежат фотки декораций чердака Д. и страниц книги в отличном разрешении. Ооочень интересно просматривать.

Некоторые умельцы транскрибировали написанное.
Слушайтиии, I`m impressed.

Так Ди описывает Ганнибала мамамиа, омг
“This is the face of greatness. The eyes of a great man that penetrate even to the souls of the lesser men around him. The fire burns deeply for you, dear Doctor, and very brightly. One they may understand but can never appreciate your greatness. They had no idea what you were capable of. You hid yourself well, Doctor. You cloaked yourself so cleverly. Lost they were for you.The lies they so desperately clung to. They never suspected you for a second. They never saw you coming. They had no idea they lined up in front of you like lambs to the slaughter…” от(с)ель
“The detective looks none too happy. Did you put these deep frowns in his brow my dear doctor? Did you drain all the joy from his eyes. All the weak happiness from his existence?”
“You will continue even as he retreats!”
“You certainly made an impression. Was this your idea(?) doctor? Bravo.” от(с)ель
25.08.2015 в 21:01
26.08.2015 в 02:04