Elnelle Страницы дневника Доктора Сонг

суббота, 29 августа 2015

Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)

That whole cliff part was extremely James Bond. I mean it felt just like the part in Skyfall where he is shot and falls from the train into the water, and the theme starts up. (The Siouxsie Sioux song sounds incredibly like a Bond theme, to my ears Tomorrow Never Dies)
Bond impossibly survives, then fakes his death and lives by the sea to escape his former life.
There’s already been 1 very obvious Skyfall reference this season, with Chilton and his Silva facial prosthetics.

ПОЭТОМУ я весь день слушаю Скайфолл.


@темы: Ганнибалим

Все это мероприятие, а также матч Франция-Сенегал лицезре...
ЕСли уж я открыла дн., то надо и впечатления в него запис...
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