Elnelle Страницы дневника Доктора Сонг

понедельник, 31 августа 2015

Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)

08:52 А понос не унимался...(с) Брайан, че ты делаешь, Брайан?
 Violett-Line принесла траву, сделавшее мне утро понедельника:
Exclusive | Bryan Fuller Describes The ‘Silence of the Lambs’ Season of ‘Hannibal’

You’ve made excellent casting decisions so far… what would you have looked for in a Buffalo Bill?

I would love to cast Lee Pace as Buffalo Bill. His first, most notable, award-winning career move was playing a transgendered person [in 2003’s A Soldier’s Girl], and I think it would be fascinating to return him to that side of his acting skill.

You’ve worked with him before [in Pushing Daisies]. Had Lee Pace ever come close to being in Hannibal before, in another capacity, or would you have reserved that role for him?

Many, many, many times. Every season. We constantly asked Lee but he was always so busy, because he was making Guardians of the Galaxy and Halt and Catch Fire and the Hobbit films. So his dance card was full but we kept on asking. We had talked about him playing Francis Dolarhyde, and it was something that we were sort of hanging in the balance, to see if Halt and Catch Fire would have another season. So he wasn’t available. But I think it worked out amazingly well for us. [Laughs.]

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@темы: Ли Пейс, Ганнибалим

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31.08.2015 в 09:56

31.08.2015 в 09:56
а вот если бы их с Ричем в одних сценах свели... :buh:

31.08.2015 в 12:04

31.08.2015 в 12:04
But I think it worked out amazingly well for us. [Laughs.]
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