Elnelle Страницы дневника Доктора Сонг

суббота, 30 января 2016

Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)

Тут по ТНТ "Пустошь Смауга" идет, и я параллельно читаю ВК, увидела Беорна в кино и вспомнилось:

Throughout the rest of the meal they talked together, but Frodo listened more than he spoke; for the news of the Shire, apart from the Ring, seemed small and far-away and unimportant, while Gloin had much to tell of events in the northern regions of Wilderland. Frodo learned that Grimbeorn the Old, son of Beorn, was now the lord of many sturdy men, and to their land between the Mountains and Mirkwood neither orc nor wolf dared to go.

"Indeed," said Gloin, "if it were not for the Beornings, the passage from Dale to Rivindell would long ago have become impossible. They are valiant men and keep open the High Pass and the Ford of Carrock. But their tolls are high," he added with a shake of his head; "and like Beorn of old they are not over fond of dwarves. Still, they are trusty, and that is much in these days.

Пэрке, Питер? Пэрке????:facepalm:

А в артбуке последнем еще такая красивая фотка, ооо!
Эх, Питер...

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