Ленивая, дружелюбная, безответственная нечисть (с)
Я к Моффату: I hate you...!
Моффат: No, you don`t ^^
Гребаные тролли
Моффат: No, you don`t ^^
Гребаные тролли

02.07.2017 в 20:24
Пишет Not Ginger:Моффат!URL записи
Я считаю, на этой радостной ноте все моффатолаверы и ртдлаверы должны примириться
Боже, эти два тролля!
Теперь я буду считать это каноном
“I wrote to Russell [T Davies] when I was doing this. I said, ‘I’m going to bring back one of your characters. Do you want the spoiler or not?’ And he went, 'Tell me, tell me’.
"I said, 'OK, it’s John Simm’s Master, and he goes, 'Oh my god, the dialogue, them meeting, brilliant, oh god, they’re going to… aren’t they?’
"I said, 'It’s a children’s show. It’s not Cucumber. We can’t do that.’”
“We concocted this whole scheme that I’d cliffhanger out of my era of Doctor Who and hand over to Chris [Chibnall] with Missy telling the Master and the Doctor that she’s pregnant.
"I decided not to do that. Over to you, Chibs. Sort that one out, mate. Off you go. There we go.
"It was only email lunacy.”